Sunday, 25 March 2012

The cutest brooches ever

It is less than a week for a big big Handmade Fair and we're starting to prepare our suitcases for Friday. We have this small pink bag full of lovely brooches and we decided to show you some of them.

Wednesday, 21 March 2012

Anniversary breakfast for your hubby

For one of our couples we made a lovely breakfast photosession with flowers,strawberry cupcakes and cute flags for their anniversary day.

Sunday, 18 March 2012

Friday breakfast

Now it's kind of tradition to have a breakfast outside. Last Friday we were in hurry so ordered just coffee and few really delicious cookies.

Please meet "Michal" and it's fabulous interior

Wednesday, 14 March 2012

New crochet friends

After few rainy weeks we finally made it- sunny pictures of our new crochet dolls.

Saturday, 10 March 2012

Lovely idea for pregnancy photosession

While we're working on new toys for our big Handmade Fair,we decided to share a lovely idea for pregnancy photosession,that we used a few weeks ago.

Wednesday, 7 March 2012

Some news

Hi all, been very busy on the last week. And now,we're very excited to inform you that our big Handmade Fair is going to happen!!! It's gonna be in lovely Tel-Aviv club "Fishka",few meters from the beach,on Friday 30 of March. So you're very welcome:)
Meantime,enjoy our last customer order